ultimate food 72 hour kit

Ultimate 72-Hour Survival Food Kits for Two: Your Essential Emergency Solution

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Having a trustworthy 72-hour survival food kit is essential when it comes to emergency catastrophe preparedness. We’ve painstakingly developed a list of the top two-person survival food kits available online to help you make the wisest decision. These packages are designed to give you the best possible nutrition throughout critical 72-hour windows, so you’re always well-refueled and prepared to face unforeseen obstacles.

There are countless reasons to have a 72-hour food kit on hand, whether it’s for work-related situations or the potential of a power outage and other unforeseen circumstances. Finding a food supply with top-notch ratings is essential, and that’s precisely what we have focused on. With extensive research and evaluation, we’ve carefully curated this blog to present you with our top-notch recommendations.

Join us as we unveil the ultimate 72-hour survival food kits, tailor-made for two individuals. Be prepared for any emergency, and rest assured that you have the perfect food supply to sustain you and your partner through challenging times. Trust our recommendations, and let us guide you toward the most reliable and efficient options for your emergency preparedness journey.

Why do you need an ultimate food 72-hour kit?

It’s impossible to predict the future and being ready for any small disaster when seeking out a 72-hour food supply bag is key to surviving these types of setbacks. Imagine if you didn’t have anything to drink or eat for 3 days during a power outage. You would be in rough condition by the end of the 72 hours.

Having things prepared to make it a lot easier when in the event something happens you don’t need to panic and think about how you’re going to make it through because you will already be prepared and have everything you need to outlast any small disaster.

 Most backpack food kits come with a variety of other supplies, not just enough food to get you through the 72 hours but in addition, most come with first aid, tools, sleeping gear, flashes, etc, a lot of the items in the pack come in very handy.

Can I make my own 72-hour food kit?

Yes, you would just need to get a good-sized backpack and designate it to be your 72-hour pack. Fill it with all the necessities you would find in a store-bought bug-out kit and or fill it with the types of things you would find most useful in a survival situation.

You can also go to your local dollar store and purchase a lot of small items that would come in handy. For your food, you can order several 72-hour food but my favorite is The Survival Tabs for their yummy taste. You can pick anything you prefer but Amazon usually has the best survival food at least as far as I am concerned.

After you have everything packed into your bag you should place it somewhere easy to get at and where you are near most. Say, if you are a truck driver and you spend most of your time on the road, what good will your bag be at home 10 hours away from where you are? One of those common sense things here, obviously you are going to know where the best place to store your bag is.

The Ultimate Food 72-Hour Kit – Top 3

1.The Earthquake Bag – The Best Overall 72 Hour Food Kit

Here’s the Earthquake bag and it’s known to be one of the best 72-hour survival bags you can get on the market. This food pack is built for 3 days and comes with food and water, water purification tablets, first aid and all your basic hygiene items, pocket tissues, and a waste bag. This bag also comes with handy tools such as a crack flashlight that can charge and function as a radio.

Easily charge your phone with the hand crank flashlight by plugging it into your flashlight so you don’t lose communication with the world during an emergency. Waterproof matches, an emergency poncho, and 2 sleeping bags come with this complete kit that will get you through your disaster.

Needless to say, this is a great bag and I would go with this option and would recommend it to you too if you want a complete package and you don’t have time to put your own together this is something that’s going to work very nicely for you. The bag is of good quality and I like just storing this in a safe place and using it later on down the road.

2. 5 Day Emergency Pack

This bag is designed for a longer disaster holding you over for up to 5 days with this ultimate food 72 hour kit. Altogether this one comes with 38 meals and 6 pouches of water and a first aid kit. A portable stove contains enough food for one person to last up to five days. This would also be good for a 2-person 72-hour kit.

It’s a good kit to have if you want to prepare with a complete kit that comes with everything you need in the 3-day period overall this is the perfect kit with all the right tools you would want to come in a 72-hour bag.

If you go with this then I think you’ll be happy with this choice. It’s a big bag and has plenty of room to put extra stuff in and you can also get more storage if you would like to extend the food rations.

3. Blue Seventy Two

This is a good cheap option and is a high-rated bag for the 72-hour bag this survival kit is great for a survival roadside bag, earthquake bag, or preparing for other emergencies. This grab-and-go bag has 2400 calories with a 5-year shelf life. It comes with a few tools such as a compass, dust mask, crank flashlight, and a 36-piece first aid kit. Drinking water and an emergency blanket/poncho, this bag comes with a lot of nice items.

This is a simple but versatile bag but we believe it’s the ultimate 72-hour food kit for you and your family to have when prepping so you have a plan if you ever have to face an emergency.

Overall it’s a great pack for one person and can easily get a few for the entire family. You can’t go wrong with this survival bag.

Final Thought

We have talked about the best 3 72 hour food kits and hopefully, now you will have a better idea of what you will need in your area when planning for an emergency. You can always check out our other blog for the more in-depth survival 72-hour kit if you want to gain more knowledge in 3-day prepping.

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