alcohol and toilet paper heater

DIY Coffee Can Alcohol And Toilet Paper Heater

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A great DIY emergency heater made from alcohol and toilet paper heater for when you are in a rough situation. The good thing about these homemade toilet paper heaters is they are super cheap to make, last up to 5 years and can burn for a couple of hours.

An emergency situation, such as breaking down along the side of the road and waiting for help during the winter season, could be a freezing cold wait, as you wait for help to arrive shivering and unable to heat yourself. (this is why having a car kit and preparing for these types of situations are highly important).

But for the average wait, you will be able to call and get help, open up one of this coffee can alcohol toilet paper heaters and ignite it with either a match or lighter, and get keep very warm in a small room, vehicle or shelter.

We will be discussing how to make a homemade toilet paper heater from either a coffee can, or a paint can. It really doesn’t matter what type of can you use as long as it can fit a toilet paper roll into the can without the cardboard roll.

Following this guide, you will be able to make a really cool emergency heather that is small and compact and can be stored away for years and be there for when you need it!

How to make an alcohol and toilet paper heater

Step 1 – Materials

The materials can be mostly purchased at your local dollar store or grocery store. Most likely you’ll have some of the materials around your house to make an alcohol and toilet paper heater like an empty coffee can, paint can, or tin can of some sort that can be big enough to put a roll of toilet paper inside and seal it up with the lid.

The material needed for this heater:

  • Quart paint can (one that has never had paint in it). OR a coffee container.
  • Isopropyl Alcohol – 70% or 91%. In a vehicle, 70% will have a significantly lighter flame which will be better for vehicle use.
  • Lighter or matches
  • A coin
  • 1 roll of toilet paper
  • Electrical tape or elastics

Step 2 – Remove the cardboard

Remove the cardboard from the toilet paper roll so that you are able to fit the roll inside the coffee or paint can.

Step 3 – Put toilet paper inside the can

Now that you have removed the cardboard from the toilet paper it should be easy to squeeze and fit it inside the container.

Step 4 – Pouring the alcohol into the can

Just pour it slowly, a little bit at a time. Fill until it is full. But don’t overfill!

Step 5 – seal the cap

Now with a paint can lid just place it on and hammer it down, and a coffee can lid can be taped.

Step 6 – Tape supplies onto the can

Now you can tape something to pop the lid open, a coin or an actual paint can opener – the church key will work for this and on the side tape a box of matches or a Bic lighter.

Store it inside a grocery bag and tie it really well. This will help store it longer. Especially if you use a coffee can.

Shown How To Make Below

FAQs - Homemade Toilet Paper Heater

Toilet paper heater how many to heat a room

It all depends on the size of the room but for example, if you had a room of 6×6, the toilet paper heater is going to heat the room up very nicely. Even a room a bit larger than this should heat up quickly. In a 12×24 room, it would take 2 of these heaters during a winter night.

Toilet paper heater burn time

The burn time for a toilet paper heater is in the range of 4-6 hours and this depends on how a number of factors.

Can I run a toilet paper heater in the car?

Yes, you are able to and that is mainly the purpose of these emergency toilet paper heaters for when you lose power and need a way to heat a room or if you break down in the wintertime and need to warm up.

It is recommended to use 70% alcohol since the flame will have less power and you will be safer when it comes to not burning your ceiling.


In a bad situation where your wait for help could be hours from coming to save you from a winter breakdown.

This DIY homemade toilet paper heater is very useful considering you only need a few supplies to build the coffee can alcohol toilet paper heater.

One of the best emergency heaters I own is Mr. Heater – Buddy MH9BX for indoors.

No matter the situation during a cold emergency, a coffee can heater will keep you warm long enough for help to show up.

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