best survival gear to carry car sinking

Best Survival Gear to Carry Top 7 List

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In our daily lives, we often carry various items that, in a survival scenario, can make all the difference between life and death. This comprehensive guide will walk you through the best survival gear to include in your everyday carry, significantly improving your chances of survival during emergencies.

If you haven’t already assembled a bug-out bag or survival kit, be sure to check out our guide on creating a complete kit for any contingency. The items we’ll be discussing in this article are essential additions to anyone’s bug-out bag, enhancing your preparedness and ensuring you have the necessary tools at your disposal when faced with challenging situations.

Everyday Items Everybody Uses

  • As humans, we all have the tendency to carry around lots of items on us. But, when we get stuck in a survival situation with nothing on us except for a cell phone with the flickering battery dying flashing on our screen leaving us with a worrisome feeling.
  • If we had even one item such as a solar panel phone case charger could be life-saving for us in this type of situation. 
  • We live in a day and age where we have many options available to us now for personal survival gear that we can carry on us.
  • Some everyday carries items you can use to better the chances in a survival scenario. We’ve built this list below based on the top-rated gear from survivalists like yourself!

Gear to Carry Everyday

  1. In everyday occurrences, things such as a pocket knife or swiss army knife can come in handy when we need it. It’s the times when we don’t have what we need when we need it… is the only problem and this seems to typically be the case which always happens to me.
  2. People carry around: credit cards, cell phones, necklaces, and lighters yet if a disaster actually happened, most people wouldn’t be ready for an emergency or even know how to use the gear they already have.

2. Even if someone has a solar phone case, you may not have reception. So, what happens if a breakdown occurs and leaves us on the side of the road stranded? 

We may need warmth at least until help arrives. What if that person doesn’t have a lighter? Perhaps the individual just didn’t have a well enough plan and did not have any safety gear in his or her vehicle.

In these situations, a person wishes they had just a simple tool to use in a desperate time of need to help them out.

Useful Gear to Carry Everyday

3. In a rare event someone could go off the road and into a lake being trapped in a vehicle slowly filling up with water. The chances of this happening may be very slim, but it also does happen and I’ve personally been in a car accident, where I and my friend flipped his car into a stream of water upside down.

Thank Goodness, it wasn’t very deep and the injuries were minimal considering the speed we were traveling.

Very few people get so lucky. So, that’s why it’s important to be ready and have the gear around you that can help help save your life from being stuck in a vehicle.

My relative rescued a couple that was stuck in their vehicle underwater, it was a miracle that he came along when he did and saved them.

The survival gear we can carry on us every day in case of emergencies like the survival key chain is the best life-saving tool allowing us to cut a seat belt or smash a window out to make an escape.

The top window breakers:

There it is! Our top 7 survival items you can carry on hand to better your chances of surviving. Of course, these are just items that you can carry on you on hand.

In any real emergency, you should already have a well-prepared kit and a plan you can follow. 

Without having a proper bug-out plan can lead to trouble if anything should ever happen. That’s why it’s best to have a plan and be as prepared as possible.

The gear on our list will help you in minor survival stations and in some rare cases even save a life.

How to assess the risk factors?

Across the country, we all live in different climates and you should be ready for any season. If you live in a cold state it’s best to buy items for that area.

But, if you live someplace where a Zombie apocalypse is a threat; then you should prepare for that!

Of course, I am only kidding. Bear in mind to keep aware of your surroundings wherever you may live through.

Ask yourself: Does this happen where I live? If the answer is “yes”, then you should take the steps needed to make the most effective plan to help prepare for that threat.


As the level of severity are unpredictable having the right and best survival gear to carry can help save one’s life in some emergency situations. 

Unpredictability in this world of possible threats that are literally everywhere is why we survivalists best prepare ourselves with the best gear only. 

It’s important to always be aware of your surroundings and know what types of disasters may occur wherever you live or wherever you are.

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