how to sharpen a pocket knife with a file easily

How to Sharpen a Pocket Knife With a File

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Survival and prepping, there are always a few things that you are able to do to refresh your skills and keep your mind at peace, either you are going to do some practice or physical strength training, but to be handy and learn things like how to sharpen a pocket knife with a file because the handier you are the easier it would be when out in the nature with bush crafting and ultimately honing your survivalist skills as a prepper.

However, keep in mind, besides bringing many benefits, adventure in the wild also has many dangers that can attack at any time. Extreme weather, poisonous plants, attacks by wild animals, and getting lost in the forest are some examples of the dangers that can come the way. 

Knife Maintenance and Gear

Survival skills must be possessed by those of you who want to carry out an outdoor adventure. Make sure all of your survival equipment, such as pocket knives, compasses, and maps are on the top list of your belongings. 

You also have to master how to use these tools properly and correctly. Besides that, bring first aid kits, backup lighters, and additional water and food. 

Of course, survival equipment will be very helpful when facing unwanted conditions, such as getting lost in the middle of a trip. First aid kits can be used when injured while traveling. Finally, additional water and food are very helpful when you run out of food when you have to survive in the wild for a longer time.

how to sharpen a pocket knife easy

How to Sharpen Your Knife With a File Below:

When doing survival, it is very important to bring the necessary equipment. When you are outdoors, you cannot buy supplies or food ingredients anymore. One very useful survival tool is a pocket knife. A pocket knife is a component that should not be left when you are going to explore the wild. 

Pocket knives are generally used for cutting, skinning, and self-defense. The way to treat a folding knife is also quite easy. 

Always clean it after use and sharpen it when it feels dull. Following are how to sharpen your knife with a file and as follows, the steps that must be taken when sharpening a knife:

  1. Hold the knife at a stable surface position. This is so that the file can work properly and allows space to move files across the knife with long movements.
  2. Hold the file at a 30-degree angle toward the knife. Starting from the handle, or the back of the knife.
  3. Use strokes that are long, stable, and even with the file from the handle to the tip of the blade. Use a long punch with steady pressure. Don’t see or pierce a knife.
  4. Turn the blade over and repeat the process on the opposite side of the blade. Continue to the alternative side and do each eight to ten times.
  5. Check the sharpness of the blade.

Knife Sharpening - Easy Tips to Follow!

Some of you might use files to sharpen your knife. For people who are accustomed to sharpening knives, you should know that you need to be very careful when using files on the knife edge. Here are some tips when using files:

  1. Secure the position of the knife

Tighten the handle of the knife that you want to sharpen. Position so that the bar is parallel to the floor and leads away from you. You can use a thick piece of cloth rather than a wooden block to keep the handle safe from damage. The blade should not move forward or backward, but you might find the knife has a little give-in when you file.

  1. Use shallow angles

Hold your file at a shallow angle that is almost flat to the side of the knife, crossing the entire length of the knife file. This may require more than one hit.

  1. The direction of the file is the opposite of the blade

Turn your knife over and repeat the process on the other side of the knife. Make sure the blade is pointing away from you when you secure it in a vise so that you can propose it at a shallow angle.

  1. Remove the foil

Sharpening a knife with a file causes a unique type of thorn. These spines are commonly called ‘foils’ and form along the edges of the blade. It can look like a thin metal rope, or as if your knife produced a small amount of kitchen paper from the edge of the knife!

  1. Repeat as you wish

Repeat all steps until you are satisfied and feel your knife is sharp enough. You can test the sharpness by cutting the paper.

Final Word

There really is not much to it. If you have a pocket knife that is getting dull, do a safety check and be careful not to cut yourself on the blade. When sharpening you’ll want to be extra cautious if it is your first time sharpening a knife. 

Hopefully, you have found it helpful and learned how to sharpen a pocket knife with a file the right way, remember to be safe and take your time.

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