what is the difference between bushcraft and survival

Demystifying Bushcraft and Survival: Understanding the Key Differences

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Bushcraft and survival, two terms often intertwined and confused, yet they embody distinct principles in the world of outdoor skills. Bushcraft encompasses wilderness expertise aimed at primal living, covering essential skills like fire-starting, shelter-building, trapping, and crafting useful items in the forest. On the other hand, survival denotes the art of staying alive in challenging circumstances, and those who practice it are known as preppers, prepared for a wide range of natural disasters, man-made threats, and SHTF scenarios.

In this article, we aim to shed light on the primary differences between bushcraft and survival, clearing any confusion that may exist. It’s essential to note that opinions may vary, and each individual is entitled to their perspective on specific aspects. At Vitality Gear, when we refer to survival, we focus on prepping and training for survival situations, honing skills for wilderness survival.

Survival goes beyond mere emergency scenarios; it involves proactive preparation for potential challenges. While bushcraft and survival share certain similarities, the core differences between them are significant, akin to comparing apples to oranges. By delving into these distinctions, we hope to provide clarity and insight into these fascinating disciplines of outdoor expertise.

The main differences between bushcraft and survival

The main difference between both ais that survival more less is prepping yourself for emergency situations to make sure you are ready for a survival situation that could be a life or death situation.

Bushcraft is a set of skills where you can redefine your skills and build comfortable shelters in the wilderness not just for the sake of survival either. It can be similar to camping except it is normally for individuals that want to wanting do to training and learning to do things in the wild instead of relying on just a few tools and basic necessities.

Bushcrafters often get gear that is usually the most traditional types of products. Survivalists will seek for equipment that are light and multi purpose and can withstand rough wear or weather. Some bushcrafters will lean towards both but there are even some people who will make there own tools while in the woods that they have scavenged.

Both require you to be good with a knife or axe and some skills can be used for both survival situations and bush crafting.

Next time you meet a bush crafter or survivalist be sure to ask them what their favorite equipment is and why and I am sure they will tell you a nice story about why they got it and their experience using it.

Clearly, there’s a few common aspects between the two as far as differences goes. A lot of people get the two confused but I believe someone who is a survivalist will transition into bush craft. When a survivalist obtains enough survival training they can then practice their skills in the woods and this is the evolution of bush crafting and basically how it started in the first place. With a lot of outdoor experience it is rather simple to get into bush craft, yet it is most common survivalist type people get into bush crafting.

The biggest difference is bush crafting is typically done in the wilderness and a survivalist is prepared anywhere and is ready for anything. In a way they are both surviving, but what we call these two crafts can be looked at totally different depending on who you ask.


Understanding the differences between bushcraft and survival is crucial for anyone venturing into the realm of outdoor skills and preparedness. While both disciplines involve navigating nature and learning essential wilderness techniques, they encompass distinct mindsets and objectives.

Bushcraft focuses on primal living skills, teaching individuals how to thrive in the wilderness by utilizing natural resources and crafting useful tools. On the other hand, survival emphasizes the art of staying alive in challenging situations, involving proactive preparation for potential disasters and threats.

As outdoor enthusiasts, preppers, and adventurers, it’s essential to recognize the unique attributes of each discipline and how they complement one another. By honing bushcraft and survival skills, we not only enhance our connection with nature but also increase our ability to navigate unforeseen challenges.

Ultimately, whether you are drawn to the simplicity and resourcefulness of bushcraft or the strategic preparedness of survivalism, both practices enrich our understanding of the wilderness and our capacity to thrive in its embrace.

As you embark on your journey of exploration and learning, embrace the nuances of bushcraft and survival, allowing them to guide you on a path of self-sufficiency, resilience, and appreciation for the natural world. Whichever path you choose, remember that both disciplines empower us to connect with nature, foster adaptability, and embrace the spirit of exploration in the great outdoors.

Read more: Wilderness Wanderer: Mastering Survival, Bushcraft, and Outdoor Adventures

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