best plasma lighter for survival

Best Plasma Lighter for Survival

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Let’s say you are out on a beautiful day on a hike, and what would it be like if you dropped your Bic lighter into the snow? Or if you were camping and dropped into the water or something besides a lake in the summer. Having the best plasma lighter for survival will ensure that you are able to get your fire started and give you a reliable way of doing so. 

Getting caught off guard in these situations happens all the time, and anything can happen when you are on an adventure, so in today’s post, we are going to discuss some of the best plasma lighters for the outdoors. 

Starting off with some of the overall best lighters with a quick glance, we are going to break down each lighter and talk more specifically about the lighter features, pros, and cons, breaking down the specs so that you will have a better idea of which plasma lighter is going to be the most suitable for whatever your needs are when using it.

Top 5 - Best Survival Lighters For Survival

1. TG Plasma Windproof Lighter

Features: Silicon Rubber Casing, Battery (Lithium Polymer), 2 Hour Charge Time, Cable Included, Button Activated, Push to open, Windproof, Waterproof

An incredible lighting tool when you need it! The other day I was just outside burning wood from a teardown of an old barn, and I had the traditional lighter out there with cardboard, sawdust, and white birch tree bark. I was trying to light this extremely dry wood, but the wind was so bad that I could not get the fire to stay started. 

I went indoors to grab my Explorer plasma lighter to finish the job that my traditional plastic lighter wasn’t able to accomplish—starting a fire in the wind.

The Explorer and TD Plasma lighter are very similar in design, they both have silicone casing, with buckles to secure them, and keep them waterproof, sealing them perfectly. 

The only real difference is the way the flame looks, as it has an arc, but is still a flameless light for EDC or survival tactical lighters as it was designed to be. 

Overall, this plasma lighter is rated number one currently at the time of this review, and some things to know here about the lighter. It is windproof and waterproof; the plasma technology allows for this; it is recharged by plugging it into a USB, the construction of this lighter is not like a cheap knockoff brand, it is really constructed well and rugged enough to be your every day carry lighter.

2. Explorer Plasma Survival Lighter

Features: USB Rechargeable Lighter, Windproof, Arc, Waterproof, Flameless, Emergency Whistle, Tactical Design, Orange

The runner-up, the Explorer Plasma lighter for survival, is one of the best flameless lighters you can get. Currently, it is one of the most popular plasma lighters, just taking second as the TG plasma lighter has a bit higher ratings. I would rate them the same in quality, they are almost exactly the same in some of their features. This is the one I own and used the other day on the stubborn fire during a windy day. 

Now, into the details. It has a dual arc, which is where the flame resides, Near it is a clear indicator lighter, letting you know it’s active and the button is being pressed down. With the USB charger on the side, you will not have to take the lighter out of the case to charge it. The cable comes with it in a little box, as well as instructions. 

Along with those, it comes with a paracord lanyard and a survival whistle. The casing is rubberized, it is comfortable to grip, and the safety lock, (buckle) on the side will allow it to become waterproof.  

You can leave this down if you want. If you are using it as a daily EDC lighter, then that should be fine to use and have in your pocket without damaging the safety lock. The last thing is the bright orange. As you can see on our site, we love orange; it comes from the passion of hunting when I was little. Just adding a fun little fact there!

Review of  Explorer Plasma Lighter Review And Waterproof Test

3. Explorer Plasma Dual Arc Lighter

Features: Rechargeable, Windproof, Waterproof, Lanyard, Survival Whistle

It is almost exactly the same lighter I own (the one above in the list), except the only difference is the style of metal and layout of the plasma arcs. So the basic rundown for this lighter is that it is also used for survival and indoor or outdoor use. A daily lighter in your EDC will get the job done when it comes to your lighting needs. 

It is definitely not a pipe lighter and should be used for general purposes like starting a camping fire, or lighting a smoke (if you are a smoker, which I am not), so, you can do those sorts of things with this survival lighter, which is a nice bright red color, so if you do happen to drop it, you’ll notice it right away. As with the orange version, they both are awesome lighters, and I was really happy with the way mine works. I’ve only owned it for a week now, but it works great so far.

4. LcFun Dual Arc Plasma Survival Lighter

Features: Dual Arc, USB Rechargeable, Windproof, Flameless, Butane Free, Dragon Design

Not a waterproof lighter but for survival as a backup it’s going to be a reliable lighter if you have it packed away in a waterproofing container of some type. Now, this is a highly rated EDC plasma lighter, and for survival, it will be great. As long as you do not drop it into a stream or in 3 feet of snow. 

It’s going to have the same features, on how it works and stuff like that, but when it comes to the design, this is very unique as it has a dragon on the surface, then a button with a light blue color; it looks really neat too! Then you have, at an angle, the arc plasma. So the button is placed in a really good spot for this lighter.

5. Waterproof ZionMe Electric Survival Lighter

Features: Waterproof, Rechargeable, Windproof, Dual Arc, USB, Storage Bag, Survival

This is one of the best survival lighters that you can get. Offering a windproof, splashproof, waterproof, and safe design for a flameless double electric arc, it has an IP56 waterproof system and a secured design to keep the light from getting wet and not working when in a survival situation, which can mean night and day if you are not able to start a fire. In this type of scenario, you could get hypothermia, frostbite, or, worse, freeze to death in the woods.

Practicing different fire-starting techniques will be key to developing preparedness skills for this. Get used to using these types of lighters, and the more fire-starting techniques you learn, the more you will be proficient in this skill. 

All in all, when you get these types of lighters, you should start using them right away so that you can become adept at lighting fires for survival scenarios. It’s good to keep a backup of lighters and fluids in a small container. Having it at home allows you to use refillable lighters when you live off-grid and want to find ways to save money on gear.


If you want to switch from the conventional old-style plastic disposable lighters and want something that you can recharge and has a good performance when working in the wind or in a survival situation, we believe the first two lighters on our list—the TG Plasma Lighter and the Explorer Survival Lighter—are the best two choices to go with.

Definitely a great lighter to have during a hike in the woods during the winter time and if you do happen to get normal lighters wet, for these if something like that were to happen, it does not even matter. And that’s why these are becoming so popular in the lighter world as of the last few years!

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